Corporate Photography

Corporate Photography Services in Tuscany

Company Reportage
Industrial Photography

Corporate Photography aims to represent the image of a company for branding and promotion purposes, through documentation and reportage. This is a fundamental step to bring your business to a higher level or to confirm your presence on the market.
The company will be photographed during production hours, highlighting techniques, materials and the characteristics that distinguish the work, providing photographs that inform and capture attention. In addition, corporate photography can help to explain how your machines and processes works, giving added value to your business.

You can lie with words, not with photos!

Communicating Values

High quality photographs transmit credibility and tangibility. Show the head office (inside and outside), the production process, the staff and the products, are just some examples of how the company can describe how it’s structured and the high competence in the reference market.

Renewing the company’s image will show to the potential client the avant-garde or the unaltered tradition of its work.

Servizio fotografico di reportage aziendale
Reportage Aziendale
Object of the photographic service

The story of your company

The planning of the service may be included photos of the following areas:

  • Environmental classification of the company
  • Production (operating machines, production details, vehicles)
  • Work environment (warehouse, work areas)
  • Portraits of owners, managers and employees during their work (reportage)
  • Emotional photographs (human aspect of workers/company)
  • Corporate group or department photos

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What customers say about us

” Stefano è certamente un ragazzo “obiettivo”. Creatività e professionalità sono il suo forte. Scatti magnifici, ha colto in pieno lo spirito del mio lavoro “

Martina Vincenti

Martina Vincenti

” Stefano con le Sue foto ha colto immediatamente il senso di ciò che volevamo. Nei suoi scatti e’ possibile toccar con mano l’esperienza e la passione che giorno per giorno mettiamo nel n/s lavoro. Il contrasto del bianco e nero e del ragazzo accanto all’uomo esperto dell’ arte, si integrano a perfezione con quello che noi intendiamo per innovarsi nella tradizione. Poche immagini, intense e di carattere, spiegano più di tante parole e Lui ce le ha regalate. “



Tuscany Photo Atelier - Servizi Fotografici Corporate e reportage industriale
What we can offer you

Photographic Service

Professional photos in HD format printable to any size
Aerial photos using drones
Professional photos ready to be published on website
Advices on the preparation of the rooms to optimize the final product
Photo delivery in a very short time

Each service is completely customizable according to customer needs.

Info and Estimates

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